Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the planning applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Reference number:


WARD                                                                    Bridestowe

APPLICATION NUMBER                                 2205/20/FUL

LOCATION                                                      "The Stables", East Bowerland Farm, Okehampton

DEVELOPMENT                                              READVERTISEMENT (revised plans and description) Erection of stables and change of use of land to paddock and (in part) a separate dog training and paddock area





WARD                                                                    Tavistock North

APPLICATION NUMBER                                  1846/20/HHO

LOCATION                                                      12 Watts Road, Tavistock

DEVELOPMENT                                              Householder application for demolition of stone garden wall and creation of single-storey kitchen extension, widening of drive entrance




*DM&L 42        

The Committee proceeded to consider the application(s) that had been prepared by the Development Management Specialists and considered also the comments of the Town and Parish Councils together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda report and summarised below, and RESOLVED that:


(a)      Application No: 2205/20/FUL                Ward: Sourton


Site Address: The Stables, East Bowerland Farm, Okehampton, EX20 4LZ


READVERTISEMENT (revised plans and description) Erection of stables and change of use of land to paddock and (in part) a separate dog training and paddock area.


During the Officer’s update, it was outlined that a revised noise management plan had been submitted in December 2020, which was identical to the previous plan except to amend the hours of operation for doing training on the outside field.  All hours for outside dog training were now consistent across the wider site.  Condition 5 had been updated to reflect this and the last line of Condition 9 removed and altered to reflect this.  One further letter of objection had been received which was added to the website.  The letter did not raise any new matters.  Although the Officer acknowledged that there had been a lack of implementation for mitigation planting on a previous application, this could not be considered at this meeting.  The Officer outlined an error in the report (last paragraph of page 12 of the presented agenda report) where it stated that previous application 3851/17/FUL had been refused and was not supported by a noise report or management plan, however, it had had the noise report.  The Officer also confirmed the hashed red line on the presented agenda report map did not accurately depict the site as some of the line was on the road however the OS submitted with the application was accurate. 


The Environmental Health (EH) Officer updated the Committee that there was no longer an objection raised from EH as a previous noise complaint had been investigated resulting in a limit to the number of dogs allowed to be on site, which was 11, and the introduction of a comprehensive noise management plan which had mitigated the noise issues.


Speakers included:


Supporter – Ms L Langman;

Parish Council Representative – Cllr S Eberle; The Councillor had also provided a video for the Committee to review.  There were technical issues with the meeting unable to hear the sound on the video.  As the sound was integral to the aim of the video, and no technical solution found during the 30 minutes break taken to attempt to resolve this issue, the video was instead emailed to all Members of the Committee who then confirmed they had been able to see and hear the video prior to the application being debated;

Local Ward Member – Cllr C Mott;


RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Approval


During discussion, the following points were raised:


(a)     The Ward Member informed that she had brought this application to Committee because of concerns from neighbours over current levels of noise and this would potentially lead to an increase in noise levels and duration.  The Ward Member asked that, should the application be approved, there be a condition added which would not allow the storage of any dog training equipment to be stored in the stables.


(b)     The blue pipe in the field, as shown in one of the photographs, was confirmed by the applicant as left over from when a new electric line came in and could now be removed.


(c)     In the event of the application being conditionally approved, Members noted the particular importance of the applicants adhering to recommended Condition 9


COMMITTEE DECISION:           Conditional Approval.




1.    Time limit

2.    Accord with plans

3.    Sustainable form of drainage for stables

4.    The total number of dogs utilising the existing training barn, existing outdoor training area and proposed land shall not exceed 11 at any time

5.    Notwithstanding the details of the noise management plan, the use of the land for dog training shall not operate outside the hours of 8am to 8pm Monday to Saturday and 10am to 4pm on Sundays. A maximum of 3 hours of training classes can take place on Sundays between the hours of 10am and 4pm. For the avoidance of doubt the use of the land for the training of dogs shall not take place on Bank Holidays.

6.    Dog training use ancillary to existing dog training facilities of East Bowerland Farm

7.    Dog training shall only take place in area noted on site location plan

8.    No external lighting without consent

9.    Adherence to noise management plan

10. Adherence to management strategy

11. No burning of waste or manure

12. No parking on the site

13. Equine use for domestic purposes only – not commercial

14. No permanent dog training equipment on the site

15. Equine and dog training use only

16.  Use of the stables shall be for equine purposes only and shall not be used for any purpose relating to the dog training use, including storage of equipment.



(b)     Application No: 1846/20/HHO                Ward: Tavistock North


Site Address: 12 Watts Road, Tavistock


Householder application for demolition of stone garden wall and creation of single storey kitchen extension, widening of drive entrance.


There was no update to the Case Officer’s report.


Speakers included:


Supporter – Mr E Persse;

Local Ward Member – Cllr J Moody;




In discussion, reference was made to:


(a)     the style of the proposed extension; and

(b)     the need to maintain the integrity of the Tavistock Conservation Area.


COMMITTEE DECISION:           Refusal


Supporting documents: