Agenda item

Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Update



The Council considered a report that provided an update and set out the progress that had been made to date, including the outcome of the Climate Change and Biodiversity Working Group session with consultees that had taken place on 27 August 2020.


In discussion, the following points were raised:-


(a)     An amendment was PROPOSED and SECONDED that read as follows:


‘6. That £30,000 of the £400,000 that the Council has allocated for the implementation of the Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is earmarked for the appointment of a ‘Green Homes Officer’ to proactively act to improve the energy efficiency of the majority of the Housing Stock.  This recruitment could be used to fund outsourced services, such as those provided in community organisations, enabling those services to promote and support increased demand; either way, the recruitment should take place as soon as possible,”


In the ensuing discussion, officers advised that it was intended that a related agenda item would be considered at the next meeting of the Climate Change & Biodiversity Working Group to be held on 22 October 2020.  As a consequence, the proposer and seconder agreed to formally withdraw their amendment;


(b)A further amendment was then PROPOSED and SECONDED that read as follows:


‘6. In respect of Action Plan items 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 following Objective 1 – Energy, the Council resolves to build on the current work being carried out by the Environmental Health Officers in reducing fuel poverty.  In doing so, it requests the Climate Change & Biodiversity Working Group to incorporate within the Action Plan proposals for improving the level of only 36% of properties rated at Category C or above in respect of new EPC certificates lodged in the district of South Hams in 2018 and 2019.  The Working Group in putting forward proposals includes targets for exceeding the current level to ensure such improvement makes a considerable contribution to the reduction in South Hams carbon emissions;


7. The Climate Change and Biodiversity Working Group put forward proposals to Full Council on the expenditure of £400,000 included in Earmarked Reserves for Emergency Climate Change Projects.  Such proposals to come before Full Council at its meeting on 17 December 2020 and to be considered beforehand by the Overview and Scrutiny Panel and Executive.’


During his introduction on the amendment, the proposer highlighted the extent of the fuel poverty problem in the South Hams and stressed the need for this matter to be addressed quickly.  In addition, the proposer also reiterated the need for projects to start to come forward in order to utilise the £400,000 Emergency Climate Change Projects Reserve. 


In reply, the Leader reminded the meeting that the lead Environmental Health Officer was to attend the next Climate Change and Biodiversity Working Group meeting to provide an update.  In addition, the Leader also advised that, such were the financial pressures facing the Council, she had requested that all Earmarked and Unearmarked Reserves be subject to review.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 14.6, a recorded vote was then demanded on the amendment and the result was declared as follows:


For the amendment (13):Cllrs Abbott, Baldry, Birch, Brazil, Hodgson, Jackson, Long, McKay, O’Callaghan, Pannell, Rose, Sweett and Thomas.


Against the amendment (17):      Cllrs Austen, Bastone, Brown, Chown, Foss, Hawkins, Holway, Hopwood, May, Pearce, Pennington, Pringle, Reeve, Rowe, Smerdon, Spencer and Taylor.


Abstentions (0)


Absent (1):           Cllr Kemp


and the vote on this amendment was declared LOST.


(c)     Such was the significance of this matter that the need to make progress on the Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan was emphasised by a number of Members;


(d)     Support was expressed for the proposal to establish a Climate Change and Biodiversity Community Board;


(e)     Whilst accepting that the Council could be making more progress in line with its Emergency Declaration, a Member still felt it important to highlight the progress that had already been made, with examples including the paperless initiative and travel reductions being cited;


(f)      A Member stated his view that both the draft Strategy and Action Plan were currently lacking in clarity, focus and SMART targets.  As a result, it was his hope that this would be rectified when the updated versions were presented for adoption to the Council meeting to be held on 17 December 2020.


It was then:




1.       That the progress on the development of the updated version of the Draft Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategy (as circulated to Members by Cllr Hodgson) be noted and that, in doing so, it is recognised that the Strategy will continue to evolve and develop over time;


2.       That the feedback from the Climate Change and Biodiversity Working Group sessions with Consultees (undertaken on 27 August 2020) and the commitment for ongoing dialogue with these Consultees be noted;


3.       That the Climate Change and Biodiversity Working Group be requested to compile the first version of the Strategy and Action Plan to bring back for adoption at the Council meeting to be held on 17 December 2020;


4.       That the correlation between the Council’s Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategy and the Emerging Recovery and Renewal Plans be recognised and that, in developing and implementing its plans, including working towards a resilient green and sustainable economy, it will engage with local businesses, organisations and residents; and


5.       That a Climate Change and Biodiversity Community Board, or similar, is established in line with Section 4.5 of the presented agenda report and an initial meeting be held before the final draft Strategy and Action Plan are presented to the Council meeting on 17 December 2020.



Supporting documents: