Agenda item

Revenue Budget Proposals for 2020-21


CM 64 

Consideration was given to a report that presented the Hub Committee draft recommendations on the Revenue Budget for 2020-21.


In discussion, reference was made to:-


(a)     car parking fees.  It was confirmed that car parking should be cost neutral to the Council and assurances were given that a 4% increase was justifiable to offset additional staffing costs (that had been frozen since 2018) to the Council and the cost of resurfacing works.  For clarity, it was confirmed that local businesses and stakeholders were being consulted with and a further report on this matter was scheduled to be presented to the Council meeting on 24 March 2020


(b)     the Budget proposals.  A number of Members welcomed the report and felt that its contents reflected the hard work that had been put in by both officers and Members to reach this point;




(c)     the Communications Strategy to underpin the Budget.  When publicising the Council’s budget proposals for 2020-21, Members emphasised the need for the Council to adopt a positive media campaign.  In response, the Leader informed that he had already been working with the Communications Team and he fully recognised the importance of the Council giving further explanations to the public about its budget;


(d)     the Dartmoor National Park Sustainable Community Fund.  In support of the continuation of this Fund, some Members advised that these monies were incredibly well received by the local town and parish councils;


(e)     an alternative part 17 of the recommendation.  The proposer and seconder of the original motion PROPOSED and SECONDED an alternative to part 17 of their recommendation that read as follows:


the increase in charges to Town and Parish Councils for the emptying of dog waste and litter bins (as outlined at paragraph 5.15 of the presented agenda report) be deferred for a year.  During 2020/21, a consultation exercise will be carried out with Town and Parish Councils, with the recommendations then being presented to the Council as part of the Budget Setting process for 2021-22, with a view to the full charge being applied from 1 April 2021.’


During the ensuing debate on this alternative, it became apparent that there were contrasting views.  In support, some Members highlighted the amount of negative feedback that had been received from town and parish councils.  This, coupled with the lack of advanced notice that had been given by the Borough Council, had left them to conclude that a deferral for one year would be appropriate.


In contrast, other Members emphasised the financial pressures that were being faced by the Borough Council and, when considering that the initiative had been subject of informal Member discussion for twelve months, there was surprise expressed that Members had not been consulting with their local town and parish councils.  Indeed, as a result of these consultations, some town and parish councils had already increased their respective precepts to offset the additional costs.


The Mayor advised that, such was the difference in opinion, it was his intention for the alternative proposal to be subject to a separate recorded vote.


At the conclusion of the debate and, in accordance with statutory legislation, the Mayor then called for a recorded vote on parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18 of the recommendation.  The vote was subsequently recorded as follows:-


For the motion (27):        Cllrs Ball, Bolton, Bridgewater, Cheadle, Crozier, Daniel, Davies, Edmonds, Ewings, Heyworth, Hipsey, Jory, Kimber, Leech, Moody, Moyse, Musgrave, Pearce, Ratcliffe, Renders, Samuel, Sellis, Southcott, Spettigue, Vachon, Wood and Yelland

Against the motion (0):                           

Abstentions (0):  

Absent (4):                      Cllrs Coulson, Kemp, Mott and Ridgers

and the vote on parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 18 of the recommendation was therefore declared CARRIED.


In accordance with statutory legislation, the Mayor then called for a recorded vote on revised part 17 of the recommendation.  The vote on this part was subsequently recorded as follows:-


For the motion (18):        Cllrs Ball, Cheadle, Crozier, Davies, Edmonds, Heyworth, Jory, Kimber, Leech, Moyse, Musgrave, Ratcliffe, Samuel, Sellis, Southcott, Spettigue, Vachon and Yelland

Against the motion (8):   Cllrs Bolton, Bridgewater, Daniel, Ewings, Hipsey, Moody, Pearce and Wood          

Abstentions (1):              Cllr Renders

Absent (4):                      Cllrs Coulson, Kemp, Mott and Ridgers


and the vote was therefore declared CARRIED.


It was consequently RESOLVED that:


1.       the Council Tax for 2020/21 be increased by £5 (Band D of £236.63 for 2020/21 – an increase of 10 pence per week or £5 per year – equating to a 2.16% increase);


2.       the financial pressures (as shown in Appendix A of the presented agenda report (amounting to £663,500) be approved;


3.       the contributions to Earmarked Reserves of £87,500 be approved;


4.       the savings of £530,200 (as shown in Appendix A of the presented agenda report and to include the investment of a further £500,000 in the CCLA Property Fund) be approved;


5.       £228,135 of New Homes Bonus funding be used to fund the 2020/21 Revenue Budget (as set out in paragraph 2.20 of the presented agenda report);


6.       the deficit recovery period of the Pension Deficit be maintained at 17 years (as outlined at paragraph 2.25 of the presented agenda report);


7.       an Economy Officer post (to be shared with South Hams District Council) be included within the staffing establishment in accordance with Section 1.7 of the presented agenda report;


8.       delegated authority be granted to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader of Council, to agree the final amount of New Homes Bonus funding for the Dartmoor National Park Sustainable Community Locality Fund for 2020/21;


9.       a collection fund surplus of £67,000 be utilised in 2020/21;


10.    it be noted that the Total Net Expenditure of the Council is £7,211,895 for 2020/21;


11.    the level of Reserves (as set out within the presented agenda report) and the assessment of their adequacy and the robustness of budget estimates be noted (NB. this is a requirement of Part 2 of the Local Government Act 2003);


12.    the proposed Environmental Health Charges (as set out in Appendix D of the presented agenda report) be approved;


13.    the Fees and Charges for Development Management (as set out in Appendix C of the presented agenda report) remain unchanged;


14.    charges be introduced for the use of the existing Electric Charging Points at Kilworthy Park, Tavistock;


15.    with immediate effect, Proof of Life charges be introduced (in accordance with paragraph 5.13 of the presented agenda report);


16.    with immediate effect, the changes to S257 Footpath Diversion Orders be approved (in accordance with paragraph 5.14 of the presented agenda report);


17.    the increase in charges to Town and Parish Councils for the emptying of dog waste and litter bins (as outlined at paragraph 5.15 of the presented agenda report) be deferred for a year.  During 2020/21, a consultation exercise will be carried out with Town and Parish Councils, with the recommendations then being presented to the Council as part of the Budget Setting process for 2021-22, with a view to the full charge being applied from 1 April 2021; and


18.    delegated authority be given to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the lead Hub Committee Member, to set the Local Land Charges as appropriate to ensure cost recovery.”


Supporting documents: