Agenda item

Plymouth and South West Devon Supplementary Planning Document


The Executive was presented with a report that sought approval to publish the Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) for public consultation.  The purpose of the SPD was to add further detail and guidance to the policies in the adopted Joint Local Plan (JLP).  The SPD would be a material consideration when making decisions on planning applications in the JLP area.


The Leader introduced the report and explained that the Documents would be published for a six week consultation. Some Members expressed disappointment that a further session had not taken place to allow the membership the opportunity to discuss the Documents with officers.  Members also commented that it would have been helpful to have a list of the proposed changes that had been made to the Documents following the Joint Workshop session held on 23 September, 2019.  The Leader responded that a schedule of changes had been circulated and requested that it was circulated to all Members again.  The Leader also advised that the Documents were being published for consultation and Members were able to respond to the consultation. 


One Member was disappointed that the Council had accepted the Ministerial Statement that related to levels at which affordable housing, or a contribution to it, was required.  The Leader and the JLP Team Manager both responded that the Inspector would not have accepted the Plan otherwise, and the importance of getting a Plan in place as soon as possible was emphasised.


A Member asked for assurance that responses to the consultation would be taken seriously.  Finally, another Member, whilst admitting he had not read all of the Documents, was impressed with the content of what he had read.


It was then RESOLVED that:


1.      Publication for consultation purposes, of the Plymouth and South West Devon Supplementary Planning Document and its two companion documents, the Developer Contribution Evidence Base and the Traditional Farm Buildings:  Their adaptation and re-use (Barn Guide), be approved; and


2.    Authority be delegated to the Director of Place and Enterprise in consultation with the Leader to make presentational and minor amendments to the SPD for consultation.

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