Agenda item

Planning Applications

To see Letters of Representation and further supplementary information relating to any of the Applications on the agenda, please select the following link and enter the relevant Planning Reference number:




The Committee considered the details of the planning application prepared by the Planning Case Officer as presented in the agenda papers, and considered also the comments of Town and Parish Councils, together with other representations received, which were listed within the presented agenda reports, and RESOLVED that:


a)                  1430/20/HHO        14 Riverside Walk, Yealmpton, PL8 2LU


Parish:  Yealmpton


Development:   Householder application for extension to rear of property


Case Officer Update:                       No update


Speakers included:                          Supporter – Ms Sarah Lock; Ward Member – Cllr K. Baldry


Recommendation:                         Conditional approval


Committee decision:                     Conditional approval


Conditions:                                       1.  Standard time limit

                                               2.  Adherence to plans

                                               3.  Materials to match

                                               4.  Surface water drainage



b)          2434/18/ARM  "Allocated Site K5", Land at SX 729 440, West Alvington Hill, Kingsbridge


Town:    Kingsbridge


Development:  READVERTISEMENT (Revised Plans Received and Amended Description) – Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for 53 no. dwellings and associated garages, infrastructure and landscaping following outline approval 28/0508/15/O for up to 60 no. dwellings, 0.5 hectares of employment land, 2 no. vehicular accesses, open space, play provision and drainage.


Case Officer Update: Another letter of representation had been sent to all Development Management Committee Members that morning.  There had also been comments received from West Alvington Parish Council, Kingsbridge Town Council, and an additional Letter of Representation received.  Kingsbridge Town Council had met the previous evening and voted 6-5 to object, and recommend refusal on grounds on house mix in JLP Dev 8.  The Case Officer confirmed that the report had been concluded after the public consultation date, and any further representations that had been received following the completion of the written report, had been outlined at the Committee. 


Speakers included:                 Supporter   Mr G. Hutton; Ward Members – Cllrs D. O’Callaghan and J. Pearce


It was confirmed that the Council’s Tree Officer was happy with the movement of the building away from the trees and hedges and that the protective fence during building was sufficient.  However, it was agreed to move the protective fence away from the base of the hedge bank to increase that protection.


Recommendation:       Grant reserved matters consent and discharge conditions 11 (foul drainage), 14 (landscaping) and 18 (LEMP) of 28/0508/15/O.


Committee Decision:  Conditional approval – subject to the receipt of a revised Tree Protection Plan that moves the protective barrier for construction away from the base of the hedge that separates West Alvington Hill and the proposed apartment block.


             i.        Conditions:    1.   Development in accordance with the plans

2.    Full details and specification of any rootlock/hydroseed bank

3.    Before development proceeds above slab level, submission of a scheme for electric car charging points

4.    Inclusion of further areas of meadow/wildflower grass on western public open space

5.    Plan to accompany the LEMP and show the rotation of land for annual grass cut

6.    Details of play equipment and natural play areas to be submitted

7.    Details/samples of all external materials to be agreed

8.    All gates to rear gardens shall be same height as adjoining wall/fence and shall be lockable from both sides.

9.    Submission of details to show how the use of natural resources are minimised and how the development responds to climate change.



c)          1180/20/FUL   Boatyard Building, Thorning Street, Salcombe, TQ8 8DW


Town:  Salcombe


Development:   Proposed change of use of first floor to open plan residential unit with B8 marine storage to ground floor


Case Officer Update:    no update to report


Speakers included:       Town Council – Cllr N. Turton; Ward Members – Cllrs M. Long and J. Pearce


During the debate it was clarified that the viability report had been published in May but the appendices were not published until the end of August, which was an error.  However, no representations had been received on either the report or the appendices.  Therefore, the publicity period was to be extended to 21 days from the publication of the viability report on the website to allow any further representations on the validity report and appendices to be made.  Therefore, the conditional approval would be delegated approval from the Committee to the Chair, Ward Members, and the Head of Planning, subject to no additional comments raising material considerations.


Recommendation:       Conditional approval subject to any comments on appendices and then delegated approval with Chair, Ward Members and Head of Planning


Committee decision:  Conditional approval


Conditions:          1.  Standard time limit

2.  Adherence to plans

3.  Flood evacuation plan prior to occupation

4. Flood resilient construction materials (prior to commencement)

5. Restriction of use of the ground floor to B8

6.  To accord with precautions of ecology report

7. Unexpected contamination

8. Primary residency





d)          1093/20/FUL   The Yard, Land at SX 699 454, Aunemouth Cross, Bantham


Parish:  Churchstow


Development:   Change of use, renovation and extension of existing redundant farm building to create multi-purpose community facility including co-working hub with surfboard shaping workshop and ancillary cafe; replacement of existing equine sand school area with new five-a-side 4G football pitch; construction of new skate bowl and children's adventure play facilities; creation of communal farm and proposed substantial landscape enhancement including construction of wildlife pond, planting of community orchard/tree nursery and wildflower meadow, associated landscape and ecological enhancement measures together with the upgrade and expansion of the existing car parking area


Case Officer Update:    Another letter of support and one of objection had been received.  The Case Officer had received a letter from the agent confirming the adjacent landowner had indicated he was very happy for any works on his land to be party to S106 agreement.  It was confirmed that the AONB had been consulted but had not responded. 


Speakers included:       Supporter – Mr M. Evans; Parish Council – Cllr S. Williams; Ward Members – Cllrs K. Kemp, J. Pearce and M. Long


Recommendation:       Refusal


The Applicant confirmed they had agreed with the Parish Council to remove lighting from the car park and over the pitch.  During the debate Members highlighted the need for rural leisure facilities which were family orientated.  The facility was also recognised as having an educational aspect.  Members acknowledged that while this application was contrary to some aspects of the JLP, the application was educational, had biodiversity themes, and provided increased leisure and health and well-being options for locals and tourists which outweighed the contrary JLP issues.  Members were keen to ensure that, should this venture fail, there was no option to develop on this site in the AONB and would be requesting conditions to ensure this was covered.  The Head of Planning clarified the S106 is to provide visibility splay for access works outside of the applicant’s control which the Landowner would have to sign.


Committee decision:   Delegated approval Head of Development Management, subject to signing of a Section 106 agreement and conditions to be agreed with Chair of the Committee, Vice Chair, and Cllrs Holway (proposer) and Kemp (Seconder).

Supporting documents: