Agenda and minutes

West Devon Council - Tuesday, 27th June, 2023 2.30 pm

Venue: Chamber - Kilworthy Park

Contact: Email: 


No. Item

CM 14/23

Mayor's Introductory Comments


CM 14/23         

During her introductions, the Mayor made particular reference to:


-        her wish to welcome Cllrs Mann and West to their first Council meeting since their recent election on to the Borough Council; and


-        the recent award gained by the Council’s Senior Leadership Team.  On behalf of the Council, the Mayor wished for their congratulations to be extended to the Council’s Senior Leadership Team for recently winning the national ‘MJ Senior Leadership Team of the Year in Local Government’ award.


CM 15/23

Apologies for Absence


CM 15/23         

An apology for absence was received from Cllr N Viney.



CM 16/23

Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 219 KB

To approve and adopt as a correct record the Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on 30 May 2023;



CM 16/23         

It was moved by Cllr Ewings, seconded by Cllr Renders and upon the motion being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and “RESOLVED that the Council agree the Minutes of the 30 May 2023 meeting”.


CM 17/23

Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, Members are invited to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registerable Interests and Non-Registerable Interests including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting;


CM 17/23         

The Mayor invited Members to declare any interests in the items of business to be considered during the course of the meeting, but there were none made.


CM 18/23

The Council Constitution pdf icon PDF 167 KB

Additional documents:


CM 18/23         

The Council gave consideration to a report that presented the Council Constitution and the changes made to it by the Monitoring Officer under delegated powers. The changes were recorded in the Record of Changes set out in Appendix A of the presented report.


During debate, some concern was expressed over the removal of the Constitutional convention whereby all 31 Members of Council had to serve on one of either: the Hub Committee; the Overview & Scrutiny Committee; or the Audit & Governance Committee.  A number of Members were of the view that it was important for all Members of the Council to have an active role on one of these Committees and an additional recommendation was PROPOSED and SECONDED as follows:


‘3. That the Constitution be updated to reinstate the convention whereby all 31 Members of the Council must serve on one of either: the Hub Committee; the Overview & Scrutiny Committee; or the Audit & Governance Committee.'


When put to the vote, this additional recommendation was declared CARRIED.


It was then proposed by Cllr Ewings, seconded by Cllr Renders and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and ”RESOLVED that:


1.      the Constitution (as set out at: ) be noted;


2.      the changes made by the Monitoring Officer since the adoption of the Constitution and as set out in the Record of Changes (attached as Appendix A to the presented agenda report) be noted; and


3.      the Constitution be updated to reinstate the convention whereby all 31 Members of the Council must serve on one of either: the Hub Committee; the Overview & Scrutiny Committee; or the Audit & Governance Committee.”


CM 19/23

Business brought forward with the consent of the Mayor


CM 19/23                    

At the discretion of the Mayor, Cllr Ball was invited to address the meeting. 


In so doing, Cllr Ball informed the meeting that Wednesday, 14 June 2023 had marked the 41 year anniversary of the Falklands War coming to an end.  During the war, the nation had lost 4 Royal Navy ships; 2 ships run by the Army and one Civilian Ship, with 255 individuals tragically losing their lives.


Of these 255 deaths, 130 were naval personnel, with a further over 250 injured.


Cllr Ball proceeded to thank those who did their duty and wished to pay two special tributes:


1.      For those who gave their lives or were injured; and

2.      To Mr Mark ‘Mad Dog’ Murdoch, who had lived in Okehampton until his recent death.


In his concluding comments, Cllr Ball paid respect to all who had been involved in combat and emphasised that those who had lost their lives would be remembered.


CM 20/23

To report on the composition of political groups

To follow;


CM 20/23         

Members noted the schedule of officially appointed political groups as follows:


-       West Devon Alliance Group (comprising of 20 Members); and

-       Conservative Group Members (comprising of 11 Members).


(NOTE: in light of the additional recommendation that was approved as part of the Council Constitution agenda item (CM 18/23 above refers), the Mayor briefly adjourned the meeting at 2.50pm to enable for some revisions to be put forward to the nominations lists for Council Committees.  The meeting was then re-convened at 3.10pm).


CM 21/23

Appointment of Members to the Committees of the Council pdf icon PDF 240 KB

To receive the appointments from the Political Groups of the Members they have selected to serve on the Committees.  To appoint (if any) the requisite number of Members from the Members of the Council who, at the date of this meeting, are not members of a Political Group


 to follow

Additional documents:


CM 21/23         

The Council subsequently received nominations from the Group Leaders and Independent Members for the membership of the Bodies of the Council.


It was then proposed by Cllr M Ewings, seconded by Cllr M Renders and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and ”RESOLVED that, for the 2023/24 Municipal Year, Members be appointed to the Bodies of the Council as set out in Appendix A to these minutes

CM 22/23

Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of those Committees of the Council pdf icon PDF 304 KB

To appoint the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to the Committees of the Council for the ensuing year


to follow;


CM 22/23         

The Council received nominations from its Group Leaders for the positions of Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the Bodies of the Council.


Two nominations (Cllrs K Ball and R Oxborough) had been received for the role of Vice-Chairman of the Audit & Governance Committee.


When put to the vote, it was declared CARRIED that Cllr R Oxborough be appointed to the role of Vice-Chairman of the Audit & Governance Committee.


It was then proposed by Cllr M Ewings, seconded by Cllr M Renders and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and ”RESOLVED that the remaining Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the Bodies of the Council for the 2023/24 Municipal Year be as indicated below:-


Body                                                              Chairman                      Vice Chairman


Audit & Governance Committee                     Cllr G Dexter               Cllr R Oxborough

Council Tax Setting Committee                    Cllr L Daniel   


Development Management and

Licensing Committee                                      Cllr R Cheadle           Cllr T Southcott


Overview and Scrutiny Committee                 Cllr P Kimber              Cllr A Johnson


Regeneration and Investment

Committee                                                      Cllr C Edmonds                              


CM 23/23

Appointment of Representatives on Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 186 KB

To appoint representatives to the list of Outside Bodies for the ensuing year


to follow;


Additional documents:


CM 23/23         

A paper was considered that set out details of those Outside Bodies to which the Council appointed representatives and included a list of nominations for representation on these Outside Bodies.

Members proceeded to consider the appointments to each of these Bodies and it was then necessary for a vote to be undertaken for the two positions on the ‘Dartmoor National Park Authority: Joint Advisory Committee on Housing’ Outside Body for which three nominations had been received (Cllrs J Elliott, C Mott and M Renders).


In light of there being two positions available, the Mayor exercised her discretion to call for a recorded vote on these appointments, with the vote breakdown being as follows:


Cllr Elliott: 19 votes – Cllrs Bridgewater; Calder; Cheadle; Cunningham; Daniel; Dexter; Elliott; Ewings; Guthrie; Johnson; Leech; Mann; Moody; Oxborough; Renders; Saxby; Squire; Vachon and West;


Cllr Mott: 11 votes – Cllrs Ball; Blackman; Casbolt; Edmonds; Jory; Kimber; Mott; Sellis; Southcott; Wakeham and Watts;


Cllr Renders: 22 votes – Cllrs Bridgewater; Calder; Cheadle; Cunningham; Daniel; Dexter; Elliott; Ewings; Guthrie; Johnson; Leech; Mann; Moody; Mott; Oxborough; Renders; Saxby; Sellis; Southcott; Squire; Vachon and West;


Absent: 1 – Cllr Viney.


and it was therefore declared CARRIED that Cllrs J Elliott and M Renders be appointed to the two positions on the Dartmoor National Park Authority: Joint Advisory Committee on Housing.


Two nominations (Cllr P Kimber and N Viney) had been received for the position on the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Partnership Outside Body.  


When put to the vote, it was declared CARRIED that Cllr P Kimber be appointed to the position on the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Partnership Outside Body.


It was then proposed by Cllr M Ewings, seconded by Cllr M Renders and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and ”RESOLVED


1.      That the Council be represented on the list of Outside Bodies as presented to the meeting;


2.      That the Members named in Appendix B to these minutes be appointed as the Council’s representatives to those Bodies for the 2023/24 Municipal Year, and that, for the purposes of Members’ Allowances, attendance at meetings of these bodies be regarded as an approved duty; and


3.      That Members appointed to Outside Bodies provide a written report following each meeting; regular feedback and consultation on the issues affecting the Bodies concerned.”


CM 24/23

Appointment of Governance Boards pdf icon PDF 176 KB

To appoint representatives to the list of Governance Boards for the ensuing year               


to follow;


Additional documents:


CM 24/23        

Members proceeded to consider the appointment for the 2023/24 Municipal Year of the:-


a)    Devon Building Control Partnership;

b)    Discretionary Business Rates and Rate Relief Panel;

c)    Joint WD/SH/Plymouth Local Plan Steering Group;

d)    Tamar Valley AONB Partnership Committee; and

e)    Waste Working Group


Once the principle and size of these Boards and Panels had been determined by the Council, Members proceeded to consider the appointments to each of these Bodies.


It was then proposed by Cllr M Ewings, seconded by Cllr M Renders and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and ”RESOLVED that the appointment of the Governance Boards / Panels of the Council for the 2023/24 Municipal Year be approved, as shown in Appendix C to these minutes.”


CM 25/23

Appointment of Hub Advisory Groups pdf icon PDF 263 KB

To appoint representatives to the list of Hub Advisory Groups


to follow.

Additional documents:


CM 25/23         

The Council gave consideration to the appointment for the 2023/24 Municipal Year of the Hub Advisory Groups as follows :-


       a) Built Environment

       b) Communications & Media

       c) Economy

       d) Housing

       e) Leisure & Wellbeing

       f)  Natural Environment

       g) People & Community

       h) Resources


It was then proposed by Cllr M Ewings, seconded by Cllr M Renders and upon being submitted to the Meeting was declared to be CARRIED and ”RESOLVED that:


1.      the revised Hub Advisory Group Terms of Reference (as circulated to the Meeting) be adopted;


2.      the appointment of the Hub Advisory Groups for the 2023/24 Municipal Year be approved, as shown in Appendix D to these minutes.”